
ComPHAD Project

The Community and Public Health Approaches to Dementia (ComPHAD) project aims to develop new and sustainable approaches to estimate dementia prevalence, and identify older people’s needs in diverse communities across England. It is funded from the NIHR Three Schools’ Dementia Research Programme.

National Institute for Health and Care Research

The National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) funds, enables and delivers world-leading health and social care research that improves people’s health and wellbeing, and promotes economic growth. The Dementia Programme collaboratively run by the three NIHR Research Schools (for Social Care, Primary Care and Public Health)

STRiDE England

STRiDE England

The STRiDE England study is funded by the National Institute for Health and Social Care Research (NIHR) Three Schools’ Dementia Research Programme. One of its aims is to understand how the way that dementia care is organised in England today affects the experiences of people living with dementia and their families, and also how this affects their health and wellbeing. A second aim is to explore how dementia policies can be made better to improve the lives of people with dementia, their families and carers.