Understanding the links between psychological wellbeing and cognitive decline and dementia

Status / Stage
1 July 2022 -
30 June 2025
Duration (calculated)
02 years 11 months
Alzheimer's Research UK
Funding Amount
Funder/Grant study page
Alzheimer's Research UK
Contracted Centre
University College London
Contracted Centre Webpage
Principal Investigator
Dr Amber John
PI Contact
WHO Catergories
Methodologies and approaches for risk reduction research
Understanding Underlying Disease
Disease Type
Dementia (Unspecified)

CPEC Review Info
Reference ID225
ResearcherReside Team


Status / StageActive
Start Date20220701
End Date20250630
Duration (calculated) 02 years 11 months
Funder/Grant study pageAlzheimer's Research UK
Contracted CentreUniversity College London
Contracted Centre Webpage
Funding Amount£214,968.19


The overall aim of this project is to investigate whether methods that enhance wellbeing could benefit brain function. Findings from this project will have far-reaching implications for designing new approaches and optimising existing ones for dementia risk reduction.